Life after Kids, I'm now a FULL TIME RVer (VanDweller)... this is just my ramblings about this n that and here n there. Nuttin important, but you might come across something that catches your eye.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Life goes on...
Well hello gang... I know I don't write much here but had an urge to put my happy fingers to work for a bit... I'm enjoyin my time at Amazon, have met some really great people.. along with a couple of really annoyin ones... but then there is one in every bunch right. HA even the annoying ones are a bit interesting, so its all good. I'm sure I annoyin someone somewhere ;) So just thought I'd write a bit about whats going on lately... I'm still here... as far as I know... at Amazon until Dec 23rd. My plan as of today when I leave here is go down near El Paso and visit a childhood friend Wretha then head west to Quartsite AZ. Hope to get to Q-AZ by maybe the 10th at the latest. I hear there is a RTR and I need to find out more info on that so I can go.
I've moved into a "cabin" or "apt" here at Buckeye RV park till the end of my stay in Kansas. I've emptied out the van and want to rebuild my bed and finish the floors. Thats the plan anyway... I've been goofing off way way too much, but having soooo much fun. I have to get with it and make the improvements to the van. Still have a leak also and I have to get that worked out too. So no more goofing off... well I will most likely still goof off some... today IS KFC Monday after all and Taco Wednesday is only a couple of days away.
Well thats it for now.... maybe I'll add more later
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